Today I’m joining 6 other bloggers to share the loveliest looks of fall, from home decor to fashion. We’re so glad you’re here with us!
Well, hey, hey guys! I know it’s September and almost technically fall, but it’s still 90 degrees here in the A-T-L.
As a holiday freak (I’m seeking counseling for my never ending buying of Christmas decor) I thought I’d share some cozy fall home ideas to prepare for the cooler weather and snuggling!
Without further ado…welcome to my house!
cuddle up with this best seller!
We have a hammock that we use year round. It’s a fun place to read and swing myself into calming down when my three kids make me crazy, ha! Bring that cozy blanket I just recommended outside, grab a cup of coffee and breathe in the fresh air!
This Faux Fur throw blanket from Pottery Barn is one of my favorite purchases ever. My family fights over who gets to use it! Good thing it’s large enough for me and the kids to all snuggle under together! These makes awesome Christmas gifts, too! It’s on sale and comes in a ton of colors!
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fall tabletop decor
Plush Pumpkin is a huge velvet pumpkin distributor. You’ve seen their pieces in high end decor stores all over the country! I was honored when I was asked to come up with my exclusive “bluegraygal” colors! Blue’s and gray’s are so timeless. Here are a few pictures of how I style mine .
Barefoot Dreams rocks my world (shop a similar pullover style here!) We own several of their throws and I have a few sweater pieces I love! Here’s a few favorites available — the robe is next on my list! I may ask for it for Christmas! Think about getting out of the shower and cuddling in bed in this! You know you want it…comfortable over fashion at my house, ha!
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Thanks for visiting you guys! Head on over to more posts from my friends post to see how they are prepping for the beautiful season ahead! Oh, but before you leave, I hope you’ll follow me and get my newsletter. I have majorly funChristmas decorating inspiration ahead!
Loved taking your tour! Those green velvet pumpkins paired with that floral display on your dining room table are to die for!!!