I love dressing up for Halloween. It makes me giddy and the kids love it! Last year, I created a mummy costume for our family. If you need easy last minute Halloween costume ideas this is it.
The Mummy costume makeup is simple, and this is also one of those good easy Halloween costumes for work because you’re covered and not controversial! I used a few extra ingredients for my womens mummy costume only for ease because dressing a family is exhausting! So if you’re scrambling easy do it yourself costumes are where it’s at!

easy do it yourself costumes – what to buy
- Old bedsheets. Use your own, buy clearance ones, or even Goodwill. You’re ruining them so spend as little as possible.
- Old t-shirts for all family members.
- One box of Luzianne Tea or equivalent.
- Hot water.
- White hair color & white face paint.
- Eye shadow kit.
- Ace Bandages.

how to make mummy costume
- Fill up large sink with the hottest water you can get. Drop in all of the tea bags.The more the merrier.
- Dump in the sheets and t-shirts and swish around.
- Soak over night. The longer the better. Rinse and dry.
- Rip in various size pieces. More on that in a minute.

wrapping & tying sheets tips
- Have everyone wear their tea dyed t shirts. We wore khaki shorts.
- I learned some of this the hard way. Don’t pre rip too many pieces. Cut and wrap and see what size you need as you tie them on your squirming children (or husband — who by the way was very particular despite saying he didn’t want to dress up. He does this every single year!)
- Use as many wide panels as possible to wrap tummy area, arms and legs. Tie securely and tightly. The more you move, the looser they will be so tie them tightly!
- Use the small ones for joints to make it easier to move.
- Perfection not neededfor easy do it yourself costumes. Did Mummies look perfectly pulled together? Not so much. This is where raggedy works for you so don’t stress.
- When all else fails, I found Ace Bandages and clips really helpful to fill in gaps or tighten anything!

Mummy Costume Makeup & Hair
- Tease, hair spray. Tease again, spray again.
- Top off hair with white hair spray.
- I use white face paint all over and blend with a sponge.
- For eyes I layered red, orange, gray and black. I just went to town creating that ghoulish look!
- Put concealer on lips to block out any pigment!

Shop Mummy Costume Makeup
womens mummy costume or easy halloween costumes for work
I wore these leggings which worked wonders. Since Mom is likely the last one who gets dressed, I was thankful to throw these tights and gloves and go after everyone was set! I recommend adding these on for the womens mummy costume.
Also, easy halloween costumes for work are essential. If your office has asked you to dress up the press is intense. With a mummy costume, you’re nicely covered (way too covered!) and riding a good line of funny and cute at the same time!

Trick or Treat!

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